Bienvenido a Neurohaven

Un refugio cultural para todos.

Música, Musicoterapia, Arte, Bienestar mental, Investigación, Espectáculos en directo. >> Un consejo rápido para utilizar nuestro sitio web: ha sido diseñado para su uso en pantallas panorámicas de escritorio. Los móviles funcionan - si es necesario ;)

Bienestar mental

Bienvenido a nuestra vibrante e inclusiva comunidad. Si estás explorando temas sobre Salud Mental y Bienestar, TDAH y Autismo en Adultos, o simplemente tienes curiosidad, has venido al lugar adecuado. Aquí encontrarás información de vanguardia que no se encuentra en los libros de texto ni en las guías de diagnóstico, junto con un montón de contenidos divertidos y atractivos.

Qué somos

We're more than just a community for people who have experienced mental health difficulties, or have some form of neurodevelopmental disorder like ADHD or Autism. We're a diverse, open-hearted space for expression where EVERYONE is welcome—no matter your race, sexuality, religion, or ability. Our only requirement? Kindness and acceptance of all forms of diversity. We also offer Sound Therapy with Mind Like Water Wellbeing, we have our own record label, wall art canvases, publications and cafe.

Seeking NDD Assessment or mental health support?

See our resource list and pages for trusted healthcare providers. You can screen yourself for free also if you are curious about a NDD diagnosis.

Cómo podemos ayudarle

Our resources help guide you through the process of assessment and treatment. The website is packed with useful info, but if you need more, please get in touch via our contact form, we would love to hear from you! If you are looking for an Adult ADHD assessment, you must be referred via your UK GP and follow RTC or your local NHS referral pathways. Follow the links for ASSESSMENT to find a doctor

Coaching en TDAH:

No tenemos ninguna afiliación oficial con Headstuff ADHD Therapy. Creemos que usted debe comprobar hacia fuera sin embargo, si usted está buscando alta calidad en línea TDAH coaching. 

Padres británicos con TDAH y ASC:

We have no official affiliation with Fathers For Justice but for dads affected by family legal proceedings, they can help. 

Apoyo jurídico:

Si necesita un abogado :

Para asesoramiento jurídico en materia de derechos humanos, discapacidad y discriminación, si los problemas son graves:

UK Citizens Advice:

Sus derechos legales en virtud de la legislación británica sobre salud mental:

El TDAH y la legislación laboral británica:

Viajar con TDAH (incluso al extranjero):

who we are:

Managing director

Hi, I am Alan Cross, a practicing Adult ADHD psychiatrist. I formed Neurohaven as an entertaining safe space to share information and experiences, and to form a supportive community. I have general training in adult psychiatry and addiction psychiatry, and have been working with adults with ADHD for about 13 years. I qualified as a doctor in 1999 (University College London) and I started working as a doctor in mental health in East London 2001. LinkedIn

I am passionate about my clinical work and in my spare time I also love making and producing music, and other creative forms of expression like writing, art, and watching movies.

I absolutely love playing Fortnite, so if you fancy teaming up and causing chaos in a Battle Royale, hit me up for my gamer tag!

I hope you find our website helpful, and that you join us on this journey that we will shortly be embarking on, into the metaverse. Stay tuned for upcoming info on that soon!

community & operations manager

Cultura, medios digitales y placer

Qué hay disponible :

  • Centro multimedia: gran variedad de recursos gratuitos

  • Gratis: TV, Radio, Películas, Música, Noticias

  • Sello discográfico

  • En directo - streaming (electrónica/indie/rock/hiphop)

  • Radio Criptomoneda, Canales de TV Criptomoneda

  • Criptomoneda / herramientas de negociación / enlaces rápidos

  • Juegos, Gran selección de juegos en línea gratuitos.

  • Obra original

  • Arte mural, Ropa, Música

  • Galería y tienda de arte

  • Documentales - Arte, IA, Metaverso, Geopolítica

  • Información sobre medicamentos basada en pruebas

"El arte no es lo que

ya ves, pero

lo que haces

otros ven"

- Edgar Degas -

My name is Laure Nolet and I’m an electronic music lover & neuroscience geek. I have both American and Dutch nationality and currently live in between Luxembourg and Amsterdam. I have a BSc in Neuroscience from University College London (2020) and a MSc in Translational Neuroscience (Imperial College 2021). I worked with Imperial’s Psychedelic Research Group focussing on the effect of psilocybin on music perception and different ways music influences the psychedelic experience.

I continued to focus on music during my work as a research scientist at Clerkenwell Health, where I worked with experts in the field to find the optimal playlist for psychedelic therapy. I am also passionate about other aspects of set and setting in psychedelic therapy.

I have recently come back from Los Angeles where I started my own journey as a dj. I am passionate about vinyl digging, mixing music and creating a network in the electronic music scene.